

Still Confused About Our Services?

If you are still wondering were we can fit in in your company’s Cloud journey, reach out to us and our team will be happy to guide you.

Cloud Implementation

Cloudpatria will assist you in reforming, developing, and evolving in a way that maximizes long-term value.

If your organization is eager to be on the cutting edge of Public Cloud best practices, you should look into Cloudpatria’s cloud implementation services.

Cloud Strategy

We are well-known for creating strategies that achieve corporate objectives. Our aim is to enable organisations to leverage the potential of the cloud. And we do it by ensuring you have a solid basis for meeting your objectives in the short, medium, and long term.

Our extensive understanding of cloud infrastructure, talents, tools, and apps benefits you.
This implies that your approach takes use of the cloud’s complete automation, scalability, and agility. And you’re in a position to provide customers with revolutionary offerings.

DevOps Support

When it comes to reducing development and innovation cycles, DevOps has become the watchword.

However, organisations frequently struggle to put theory into reality. We assist you in overcoming roadblocks caused by old technology, attitudes, and operational methods so that you may fully reap the benefits of continuous delivery.

We are DevOps experts, with a proven track record of assisting organisations in automating processes and fostering an agile culture. With our assistance, you can decrease deployment times from months to hours, while also ensuring that teams are empowered to continue enhancing service performance.

Cloud Integration

Bringing in new technologies is difficult, particularly when the organization is accustomed to a plethora of legacy programmes, SaaS products, and cloud point solutions.

Cloudpatria ensures that your cloud journey takes into account integration with current capabilities, allowing you to minimize interruption while maximizing value.

Cloud deployment is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. We analyze and account for the essential systems, tools, back-end settings, and data as part of your plan. As a result, you’ll be up and running with cloud faster and with less friction.

Cloud Center of Excellence

A Cloud Centre of Excellence (CCoE) is a strong team of cloud advocates who drive industry standards.

Having a CCoE centralizes cloud capabilities to offer a sense of shared service, rather than having pockets of knowledge scattered throughout the organization.

Cloudpatria experts can serve as your CCoE, implementing best practices and encouraging long-term cloud adoption. However, we also empower your teams, supporting them as we move through the implementation process. As a result, your champions will be actively involved in and driving the transformation. After all, the cloud is more than simply new technology; it also represents new operational models and governance.

We assist you in developing a CCoE based on three key pillars: governance, brokerage, and community.

SaaS Transformation

If you wish to transition your business model to SaaS, Cloudpatria can assist you in using the specific features of AWS, Azure, and GCP for creating, moving, modernizing, maintaining, and optimizing SaaS in the cloud.

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